The Oath of Asclepius (traduction anglaise)
The Oath of Asclepius
Universal Caregivers Oath
Under the aegis of ASCLEPIOS, Greek god of medicine, I SOLEMNLY AND CONSCIOUSLY COMMIT myself to the following intangible principles:
- PRIMUM NON NOCERE – First do not harm.
- I PROMISE : To participate in promoting, preserving and restoring the health of people, as a common good, in all its dimensions, physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual.
- I PROMISE : To never transgress the sanctity of human life and to be opposed to any form of commercialization of the human body.
- I PROMISE : To loyally inform the persons on the nature, the motives and the consequences of the envisaged acts, then to ensure their full, free and informed consent, which I will not extort by the use of any power related to the circumstances
- I PROMISE : To respect the medical confidentiality by never revealing health data of persons, including in digital form, in the public space or with private companies.
- I PROMISE : To never discriminate against people according to their status, origins, beliefs or status, while keeping for the acts my free will to act or to abstain.
- I PROMISE : Never to seek to unduly prolonged agonies and to forbid from intentionally causing death.
- I PROMISE : To practice my profession with conscience and integrity, to take full responsibility for the consequences of my actions and never to use my position to corrupt morals.
- I PROMISE : To maintain and improve my knowledge on a regular basis, in order to provide the best possible care and to refrain from words or actions that would exceed my competence.
- I PROMISE : To preserve the independence necessary for my practice, without ever allowing myself to be corrupted by the powers of money, nor to yield to the lure of gain or the vice of glory.
Upon being admitted to practice my art in the profession of …………………………………..
I promise to be faithful to the laws of honor and probity.
I swear that I am worthy to take this oath.
May I be disgraced, despised and barred from practice, if I perjure myself.
December 2022